About me
FAQs about me:
1. I rarely start out with a plan.
1a. I often change my mind.
2. My book, we who desire, published by Ben Yehuda Press, uses the text of the Torah (aka the 5 Books of Moses) as a starting point to explore themes of belief, covenant, liberation, choice, and yes -- desire.
3. Most interested in boundaries and borders, how we divide space – physical, cultural, and personal – and constantly redefine inside and outside.
4. Ripping paper!!! I can joyfully spend hours cutting out tiny images from magazines with a good sharp pair of scissors.
5. Encaustic (melted beeswax, resin, and pigment) is visceral, unpredictable, and messy. Love it. Also, get to use a gas torch and occasionally set things on fire.
6. The work of Mark Rothko gives me the chills.
7. Wish I was braver. More talented. And taller.
8. Would never have made it this far with all the people who love me.